
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Grown-Up Pizza

Ronnie and I decided to cook our own pizza tonight. This may not seem that significant, but we had lots of fun, I even got to play a little (which I will explain shortly).

1 Boboli Pizza crust- $5.49 for 2 crusts
(next time we plan on making our own pizza crust)
1/2 pack of pepperoni- $2.99 for pack of 100
1/2 green pepper- $.76 for 1 green pepper
1/4 of an onion- already had
about 8oz Progresso italian sauce -$5.19 for 67oz
Shredded white and sharp cheddar cheese- already had

As you can see we only used a small portion of what we bought, and you will see the rest coming up in later recipes.

You may have guessed this is a fairly easy recipe. You just follow the directions on the back of the pizza crust and that is what we did. The thing that made this recipe so fun/unique for us was the toppings and the preparation behind the toppings. Neither of us have chosen to have green peppers or onions on a pizza before, usually it's just pepperoni and/or cheese. However, after a recent night out with girl friends and trying a pizza like this, I talked Ronnie in to trying it. He was very unsure of it, but decided to put up with my crazy idea. :)

After going through the food processor. 
So we set to work. Coming from a family who does not do a lot of home cooking, there are certain devices in the kitchen that hold an appeal or fascination for me. The food processor is one of these devices. Tonight, I got to play with it for the first time, and went to town with it. I shredded the cheese, and sliced the onions and green peppers with it. When I first started the sound scared me when the cheese got to the bottom, and I jumped, which of course caused Ronnie to laugh. :)
Ronnie with the Pizza out of the oven.

So after everything went through the food processor, we put the sauce, cheese, onions, green peppers, pepperonis, and more cheese onto the crust. Once the pizza was cooked, we dug in. Ronnie response was surprised pleasure with the comment, "I guess we are grown ups now". (Thus the name of the pizza) My response was "Of course we are grown up now, we have a couch." :)
Well, I know that this was a very simple recipe. I cannot always promise you a complex recipes, however I do promise more fun stories and unusual creations.


P.S. Next time I want to some how make this pizza have more of a Mexican taste.

Question to the readers:
What unusual toppings have you put on a pizza?
Do you and your significant other like the same type of pizza?


  1. Ooooh I so love you guys. Pizza: try a whole wheat crust. Did you get a bread machine as a wedding prezzie?

  2. We will definitely try it with a whole wheat crust. We did not get a bread machine, however, my parents bought us a bread book last Christmas for baking bread. It uses a no-knead technique and a cast iron pot, and it comes out amazing, and is super easy. Expect to see pictures in the next few posts. =)


  3. Sounds great! We like sautéing mushrooms and adding them to the sauce as well. Then adding other toppings like olives, pineapple, sausage, and Parmesan cheese before putting the other cheese on top. Also, tomato slices are good as well :) Awesome blog, you guys!

  4. :-) It's true about food processors making funny noises.

    I like spinach, mushrooms and pineapple on my pizza. My mom still thinks it is gross.

    James does not like the same thing. His favorite is pepperoni, which I think is gross.

  5. I have a good, really easy crust recipe for you. :)

    Toppings, pepperoni...sometimes proscuitto and arugula. Usually cheese and sauce I made from tomato paste.

    Often when it is pizza day, I haven't prepped ahead, so I just make from what we've got in the house.

    Trader Joe's sells great fat free refried beans, mix them with salsa until spreadable, then use that as your sauce. I've only made tacos with this mixture, but I bet you'd get a great taco pizza with that as your base.

  6. Deanya- I think when we try the mexican pizza I we will put it of the whole wheat, or if I can talk Ronnie into doing an all veggie pizza.

    Heidi- That sounds like an awesome idea with the refried beans and salsa, I will defiantly have to try that. Also I would love an easy crust recipe.
